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ECE123: Health in the Early Years

ECE 121: Healthcare in the Early Years is a two-credit unit course that will discuss the development of healthcare system from the early years up till the present time.The course is made up three modules. The first module is made up of four units and it discusses maternal wellbeing, foundation for survival, healthy growth and child development.

The second module is made up of five units and it talks about child healthcare in the early years. The third module is made up of four units and it discusses the intervention measures on early childhood health problems.

What Will You Learn?

ECE 123: Healthcare in the early years introduces you to the various ways by which you can take care of your health and prevent invasion of diseases in your body.

Teacher Of Course
Information Of Course
Duration Time
1 Semester
100 Level

On successful completion of the course, you should be able to:

  • Explain the concept of health and wellbeing
  • Discuss issues relating to maternal wellbeing
  • Mention the traditional and modern methods of family planning
  • Name and discuss the causes of infertility in women
  • Discuss the various threats to childhood healthy growth and development
  • Explain the various types of child healthcare in the early years
  • List some international donor agencies that control childhood health problems and
  • Discuss the activities of some of these donor agencies listed earlier.

This course guide tells you briefly what the course (ECE 123) is all about, what course materials you will be using and how you can work your way through these materials. It suggests some general guidelines for the amount of time you are likely to spend on each unit of the course in order to complete it successfully.

Course Display
Course Department

Course Features

Health and wellbeing
Traditional and modern methods of family planning
Causes of infertility in women
Threats to childhood healthy growth and development
Various types of child healthcare in the early years
International donor agencies that control childhood health problems

Lessons Of Course
