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STT206: Statistics for Management Sciences II

Business Statistics is a one semester, 3 credit units second year level course. It will be available to all second degree of the school of Management Sciences at the National Open University, Nigeria. It will also be useful for those seeking introductory knowledge in STATISTICS FOR MANAGEMENT SCIENCES II. The course consists of eighteen units that involved basic concepts and principles of statistics and decision-making process, forms of data, methods of data estimation, summarizing data, graphical presentation of data, measures of both index number and dispersion, co-efficient of correlation and regression analysis, some elements of hypothesis tests and time series analysis, d i s t r i b u t i o n s of both discrete and continuous random variables.

What Will You Learn?

The overall aim of STT 206 Statistics for management sciences II is to introduce you to the basic concepts and principles of statistics and decision-making process, forms of data, methods of data estimation, summarizing data, graphical presentation of data, measures of both index number and dispersion, co- efficient of correlation and regression analysis, some elements of hypothesis tests and time series analysis, distributions of both discrete and continuous random variables.

Teacher Of Course
Information Of Course
Duration Time
One Semester
200 Level
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Course Features

Lessons Of Course
