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PCR115: Introduction to Conflict Resolution

Introduction to Conflict Resolution Processes 1

Is a Semester course. It will be available for you to take towards the core module of the Peace and Conflict Resolution Programme. This course is suitable for any foundation student seeking to understand conflict issues in the field of Political Science and International relations. This course consists of 20 Units, encompassing the following key areas, namely, the meaning of conflict, processes of conflict resolution, cooperative versus competitive conflict styles, conflict transformation, conflict resolution strategies, the meaning and process of mediation, who the mediators should be, skills and strategies of mediation, the meaning and processes of negotiation, bargaining and Alternative Dispute Resolution.

There are no compulsory prerequisites for this course. The course guide tells you briefly what the course is all about, what you are expected to know in each unit, what course materials you need to use, and how you can work your way through these materials. It also emphasizes the necessity for tutor-marked assignments. There are also periodic tutorial classes that are linked to this course.

What Will You Learn?

This course is to introduce you to the concepts and practice of conflict resolution as a fundamental issue in achieving harmony in human society. Some of these concepts as earlier mentioned include mediation, negotiation, bargaining, and Alternative Dispute Resolution. These are everyday practices that you should be aware of. Your understanding of this course will serve to position you on a stronger pedestal from which to approach other related issues in the study of politics and International Relations.


Teacher Of Course
Information Of Course
Duration Time
1 Semester
100 Level

By the end of this course, you should be able to:

1. Explain the meaning of and define conflict;

2. Understand what is meant by conflict resolution;

3. Distinguish between mutual gains and competitive negotiation tactics;

4. Understand what conflict transformation is;

5. Explain what conciliation and mediation means;

6. understand the meaning of arbitration and litigation;

7. Be familiar with the major strategies of conflict resolution;

8. Understand what we mean by negotiation and its various processes and approaches;

9. Be familiar with the essentials of bargaining;

0. Outline the advantages and disadvantages of Alternate Dispute Resolution;

11. Appreciate the importance of communication in conflict resolution.

The course guide tells you briefly what the course is about, what course materials you will be using and how you can work your way through these materials. It suggests some general guidelines for the amount of time you are likely to spend on each unit of the course in order to complete it successfully. It also gives you some guidance on your tutormarked assignments. Detailed information on tutor-marked assignment is found in the separate assignment file which will be available in due course.

Course Display

Course Features

Meaning of and define conflict
What is meant by conflict resolution
Mutual gains and competitive negotiation tactics
What conflict transformation
What conciliation and mediation
Meaning of arbitration and litigation
Major strategies of conflict resolution
What we mean by negotiation and its various processes and approaches
Essentials of bargaining
Advantages and disadvantages of Alternate Dispute Resolution
Appreciate the importance of communication in conflict resolution
