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ISL121:Studies on the Hadith

ISL 121: Studies on the Hadith – is a three credit units compulsory course for the first year degree students of Islamic Studies at the National Open University of Nigeria. This course gives the reader a general introduction to the studies of Hadith as well as a clear picture of the lives and works of the Collectors of the six most popular and more reliable Hadīth collections (aṣ-Ṣihāhu `s-Sittah)known as Ṣahīh Bukhārī, Ṣahīh Muslim, Sunan Abu Daud, Jāmi‘u Tirmidhī, Sunan a`n-Nasāī and Sunan Ibn Mājah. Readers will also be acquainted with the life and contribution of six other important scholars of Hadīth in person of Imam Mālik, Imam Hanbalī, Imam Yahya an-Nawawī, al-Suyutī, al-Asqalānī and al-Albānī.

Teacher Of Course
Information Of Course
Duration Time
1 Semester
100 Level

To achieve this, you will be reminded of topics you have come across earlier such:

(i) The meaning of Hadīth

(ii) Hadīth collection during and after the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad (Ş).

(iii) The lives and contribution of Muhaddithūn like Imams Bukhārī, Muslim, Abu Dawud, a`t-Tirmidhī, a`n-Nasāī and Ibn Mājah to the Hadīth literature. as Hadīth collectors.

(iv) The lives and contribution of Commentators on Hadith like Imam Yahya alNawawī, Jalāluddīn al-Suyūtī, Ibn Hajar al-Asqalānī to Hadīth literature.